Rs. 0.00

SSF Amount

Your Income

Total Interest (%)

Social security fund refers to social as any organization or society, security means to secure any future uncertainty and fund means the amount that is kept aside for future or present use. The Social Security Fund (SSF) aims to provide protection for maternity, sickness, employment injury, old age, and retrenchment, following internationally accepted principles.

What are the documents required for registration on the Social Security Fund?

  1. Certificate of Company Registration
  2. PAN/VAT Certificate
  3. Details of Employer
  4. An Application to the Office of Social Security Fund

What are the documents required for the registration of SSF Nepal for an employee ?

  1. Details of the Employee
  2. Employee Citizenship/National ID Card/ PAN Certificate/Passport
  3. PP Size Photo

Why SSF is important in Nepal?

Acclaimed by the authority of Social Security Fund Nepal, the amended schemes of SSF are much more beneficial for the contributors than ever. The contribution-based Social Security Fund was passed by parliament on 2074 B.S. (July 24, 2017) and it has come into implementation from 1st Shrawan 2076.

The Employer’s Associations, Employees from the private sector, and Stakeholders previously had shown their dissatisfaction with the benefits provided to the contributors of SSF via various news, articles, and seminars. By considering the feedback from stakeholders and experts, SSF has come up with some fascinating schemes and amendments on Falgun 2076 (February 11, 2021).

1. Risk Coverage

Can claim unlimited liability through four schemes:

Medicine Treatment, Health, and Maternal Protection Scheme
Accidental and disability benefits scheme
Family Welfare Scheme
Old age Scheme

2. Easy on Medical expense reimbursement

The contributor can easily get access to the SSF portal and App through which one can claim and get reimbursement amount.

3. Assurance of Family Security

There is a Family welfare scheme that assures family security.

4. Transfer of Liability

Employees can easily transfer to individuals without any hassle.

How to login in SSF in Nepal?

There are two ways by which you can log in to the Social Security Fund.

  • SSF Contributor Login Portal
  • SSF Employer Login Portal

Medicine Treatment, Health and Maternal Protection Scheme

  • Medicinal treatment up to Rs 1 lakh can claim
  • A minimum 3 months’ contribution can get OPD and IPD Treatment
  • Doctors’ Fee
  • Hospitalization and Operation Fess’s
  • Test and treatment Fees

Note: Only 80 % is claimed by SSF and 20% needs to be claimed by the contributor

Accidental and Disability benefits scheme

i) Accidental Benefit

ii) ´Disability Benefit

i)Accidental Benefit

Workplace and Business

´If contributors work in any office or are running a business then if an accident happens get an unlimited amount or fully claimed
´If any accident happens to contributors then they need to inform within 7 days. Organizations or family members need to send an email or call and provide an SSF number so that they can claim.
´If the accident is not notified within the given period and if they take contributors to another hospital which is not listed in SSF then they cannot claim more than Rs. 7lakh.
´If they are not working then they can claim up to Rs. 7 lakh

ii) Disability Benefit

´The contributors who are working in an office or a business person who cannot go to work temporarily due to an accident can get 60% of their basic salary every month until he/she goes back to work.
´The contributors who are working in an office or are business people who go to work permanently due to an accident cannot get 60% of their basic salary every month lifetime.

Other conditions:

In case of complete permanent disability, an amount shall be paid to the person or the caretaker of the disabled on the recommendation of municipalities.
The disability ratio is determined by the health committee established under the Social Security fund and shall be reviewed every 5 years.
Amount paid monthly as pension for 100% permanent disability should not be below 60% of the minimum basic salary prescribed by the Government of Nepal
Inflation Adjustment: Necessary adjustments for inflation will be made as per an actuarial report on the pension amount to be paid based on the level of disability.

Medicine Treatment, Health and Maternal Protection Scheme

  • Doctor consultancy fee
  •  Hospital admission fees and operation charges
  • Diagnosis and treatment expense
  •  Medication expense
  • Regular diagnosis and checkup related to maternity, Surgery, and other medical expenses incurred upon admission to hospital , up to 6 month’s maternity-related medical expenses after delivery, and child care expenses up to 3 months from delivery.
  •  In case the patient is under home treatment due to disability to travel, total consulting fees of the physician incurred

Not Included: Plastic Surgery and dental treatment expenses (except in case of accident); abortion expenses; bariatric surgery and expenses covered elsewhere under the scheme

Note: Only 80 % is claimed by SSF and 20% needs to be claimed by the contributor


  • ´Minimum 3 months of contribution can claim up to Rs. 1 lakh in one fiscal year
  • Individuals following prescribed medication from their doctor (not hospitalized) can receive reimbursement of up to NPR 25,000 per fiscal year. Moreover, contributors who have utilized this benefit can also claim additional coverage up to NPR 1 lakh for further medical expenses if admitted to the hospital.
  • Maternity benefits covering treatment expenses for the contributor or their spouse, as well as expenses related to nursing the newborn, can be claimed up to the specified limit.
  • A female contributor or the wife of a male contributor who has recently delivered a child is eligible for a benefit equivalent to one month’s minimum remuneration for each newborn. This benefit is also applicable in the event of an abortion after 24 weeks or a miscarriage. If both spouses contribute to the fund, only one individual may claim the benefit.


  • If the number of leave days exceeds the entitled sick leave days (12 days according to the Labour Act), and the contributor requires hospitalization for treatment or is under home treatment as advised by a doctor, they are entitled to sick payment amounting to 60% of their basic salary for the duration of the unpaid sick leave period.
  • If contributors are hospitalized for more than 12 days(which the government has fixed for employee holidays) then get up to 60% of their basic salary. If that holiday exceeds 13 weeks then contributor will not get any benefit
  • If maternity leave exceeds 60 days then women get 60% of their basic salary till 98 days(i.e. 60 days maternity leave and 38 maximum leave).
  • If the business is closed than that contributor who are in sick leave and maternity leave gets 60% of their basic salary as declared by the organization

Note: Such benefit is not included in the limits of NPR 1 lakh

Fatal Diseases Medicine Treatment Protection Scheme

  •  Minimum 2 years of contribution
  • In the case of Fatal Disease contributors can take the whole amount at once or can take Rs, 10 lakh within a different period of time.

Family Welfare Scheme

  • Spouse Pension Fund
  • Children Education
  • Mother and Father Benefit
  • Funeral Expense
  1. i) Spouse Pension Fund:
  • In case of the death of any contributor, the pension is provided to his/her spouse and gets 60% of the basic salary lifetime
  • But if either husband or wife gets married or they have their own job then they cannot get the pension. But if the husband or wife has completed their work then they can get a pension.
  1. ii) Educational Benefit to Children
  • If either husband or wife dies then the children get 40% of the basic salary monthly till he/she becomes 18.(If more than one eligible child 40% of the basic salary shall be paid proportionately to up to two children)
  • If a child is studying then he/she may get a facility till 21 years but if he/she gets married or has completed his education than will not benefit.
  • If children are mentally or physically disabled then he/she has no age barrier.

iii) Benefit to the deceased’s parents

  • If the contributor is not married or not have any kids then his/her mother/father gets 60% of the basic salary lifetime.
  • If both the mother and father of the deceased are alive, the amount is distributed to both proportionately.
  1. iv) Funeral Expenses
  • On the death of the contributor due to any reason, the dependent family or the beneficiary shall be provided Rs. 25,000

Old Age Protection Scheme

  1. i) Pension Scheme (Operated with 20% contribution)
  2. ii) Retirement Benefit Scheme (Operated with 8.33% contribution)

*However, in case the contribution eligible for transfer to the pension scheme is more than 3 times of minimum basic salary defined by the Government of Nepal, the Fund may transfer the excess fund to the Retirement Benefit Scheme upon written application of the contributor.


  • Those starting the contribution to the fund on or after Shrawan 1, 2078 cannot take pension funds.
  • Employees contributing to the fund before Shrawan 1, 2078, may opt for the scheme with a written application to the fund
  •  Must achieve retirement age 60 years and must have contributed at least 15 years