How to open Meroshare?

  • 31 Dec, 2024

What is Meroshare?

Meroshare is an online platform in Nepal to manage and access stock investments. It is provided by the Central Depository System and Clearing Limited (CDSC). It allows users to apply for Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), check their investment portfolio, view transaction details, and monitor their shareholdings electronically. It is widely used by investors to manage their stock-related activities conveniently from anywhere.

The process for opening a MeroShare account (used for managing shares and IPO applications in Nepal) typically involves these steps:

Step 1: Open a Demat Account

  1. Visit a Depository Participant (DP) such as banks and brokerage firms.
  2. Fill out the Demat account application form.
  3. Provide the required documents:
    • Citizenship certificate (photocopy)
    • Passport-sized photographs
    • Bank account details
  4. Pay the Demat account opening fee (typically a nominal charge).
  5. Receive your Demat account number after the application is processed.

Step 2: MeroShare Account Registration

  1. Visit your DP: Request the MeroShare registration form.
  2. Fill out the form: Use your Demat account details and provide your email address and phone number.
  3. Submit the form: Include your identification documents if required.
  4. Collect your login credentials: After processing, the DP will provide a login ID and password.

Step 3: Activate Your MeroShare Account

  1. Go to the MeroShare portal.
  2. Log in using the provided credentials.

3. Update your password upon the first login.

4. Configure your account by verifying personal details and linking your bank account for online payments.

Once your account is active, you can apply for IPOs, check portfolio details, and access other share-related services.