Social Security Fund
The Social Security Fund (SSF) protects against maternity, sickness, employment injury, old age, and retrenchment, following international principles. Established under the Social Security Act 2017, SSF mandates all business enterprises to register themselves and their employees, irrespective of employee count. Independent consultants, however, are not required to register.
What are the documents required for registration on the Social Security Fund?
- Certificate of Company Registration
- PAN/VAT Certificate
- Details of Employer
- An Application to the Office of Social Security Fund
What are the documents required for the registration of SSF Nepal for an employee?
1) Details of the Employee
2) Employee Citizenship/National ID card/ PAN Certificate/Passport
3) PP Size Photo
Why SSF is important in Nepal?
- Risk Coverage
Can claim unlimited liability through four schemes:
- Medicine Treatment, Health, and Maternal Protection Scheme
- Accidental and disability benefits scheme
- Family Welfare Scheme
- Old age Scheme
2. Easy on Medical expense reimbursement
The contributor can easily get access to the SSF portal and App through which one can claim and get reimbursement amount.
- Assurance of Family Security
There is a Family welfare scheme that assures family security.
- Transfer of Liability
Employees can easily transfer to individuals without any hassle.
How to login to SSF in Nepal?
There are two ways by which you can login to the Social Security Fund.
- SSF Contributor Login Portal
- SSF Employer Login Portal
What are the four schemes under SSF in Nepal?
Minimum at least of an amount up to Rs 31% | |
Allocation of funds to schemes | |
1) Medicine Treatment, Health and Maternal Protection Scheme | 1% |
2) Accidental and disability benefits scheme | 1.40% |
3) Family Welfare Scheme | 0.27% |
Total | 2.67% |
4) Oldage Scheme | |
a) Pension Fund | 20% |
b) Retirement Fund | 8.33% |
Total | 28.33% |
Grand Total | 31% |
Medicine Treatment, Health and Maternal Protection Scheme
- Doctor Consultancy Fee: Coverage for the cost of consulting with a doctor.
- Hospital Admission and Operation Charges: Includes fees for hospital admission and surgical procedures.
- Diagnosis and Treatment Expense: Covers the costs associated with diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
- Medication Expense: Reimbursement for the cost of prescribed medications.
- Maternity and Post-Delivery Care: Covers regular diagnosis and checkups related to maternity, surgical, and other medical expenses incurred during hospital admission, up to 6 months of maternity-related medical expenses post-delivery, and childcare expenses for up to 3 months after delivery.
- Home Treatment Fees: If a patient is unable to travel and receives home treatment, coverage includes the total consulting fees of the attending physician.
Not Included: Plastic Surgery and dental treatment expenses (except in case of an accident); abortion expenses; bariatric surgery and expenses covered elsewhere under the scheme)
Note: Only 80 % is claimed by SSF and 20% needs to be claimed by the contributor
- Minimum Contribution Requirement: Contributors with at least 3 months of contributions can claim up to Rs. 1 lakh in one fiscal year.
- Outpatient Reimbursement: Individuals following prescribed medication (without hospitalization) can receive up to NPR 25,000 per fiscal year. Additionally, those who have used this benefit can claim up to NPR 1 lakh for further medical expenses if hospitalized.
- Maternity Benefits: Treatment expenses for contributors or their spouses, and nursing expenses for newborns, can be claimed up to a specified limit.
- Childbirth Benefit: Female contributors or wives of male contributors who deliver a child are eligible for a benefit equal to one month’s minimum remuneration per newborn. This also applies in cases of abortion after 24 weeks or miscarriage. If both spouses contribute, only one can claim the benefit.
- Extended Sick Leave: Contributors exceeding 12 entitled sick leave days and requiring hospitalization or home treatment get 60% of their basic salary during unpaid sick leave.
- Extended Hospitalization: Hospitalization beyond 12 days entitles contributors to 60% of their basic salary. No benefits if it exceeds 13 weeks.
- Extended Maternity Leave: Women exceeding 60 days of maternity leave receive 60% of their basic salary for up to 98 days total.
- Business Closure: Contributors on sick or maternity leave receive 60% of their basic salary if the business closes.
Note: Such benefit is not included in the limits of NPR 1 lakh
Fatal Diseases Medicine Treatment Protection Scheme
- Minimum 2 years of contribution
- In the case of Fatal Disease contributors can take the whole amount at once or can take Rs, 10 lakh within a different period.
2) Accidental and Disability benefits scheme
- Accidental Benefit
- Disability Benefit
Accidental Benefit
Workplace and Business
- ´If contributors work in any office or are running a business then if an accident happens get an unlimited amount or fully claimed
- ´If any accident happens to contributors then they need to inform within 7 days. Organizations or family members need to send an email or call and provide an SSF number so that they can claim.
- If the accident is not notified within the given period and if they take contributors to another hospital which is not listed in SSF then they cannot claim more than Rs. 7lakh.
- If they are not working then they can claim up to Rs. 7 lakh
Disability Benefit
- Temporary Work Absence: Contributors unable to work temporarily due to an accident receive 60% of their basic salary each month until they return to work.
- Permanent Work Absence: Contributors unable to return to work permanently due to an accident do not receive 60% of their basic salary for life.
Other conditions
- In case of complete permanent disability, an amount shall be paid to the person or the caretaker of the disabled on the recommendation of municipalities.
- The disability ratio is determined by the health committee established under the Social Security fund and shall be reviewed every 5 years.
- Amount paid monthly as pension for 100% permanent disability should not be below 60% of the minimum basic salary prescribed by the Government of Nepal
- Inflation Adjustment: Necessary adjustments for inflation will be made as per an actuarial report on the pension amount to be paid based on the level of disability.
3) Family Welfare Scheme
- a) Spouse Pension Fund
- b) Children’s Education
- c) Mother and Father Benefit
- d) Funeral Expenses
a)Spouse Pension Fund
- In case of the death of any contributor, the pension is provided to his/her spouse and gets 60% of the basic salary lifetime
- But if either husband or wife gets married or they have their own job then they cannot get the pension. But if the husband or wife has completed their work then they can get a pension.
b)Educational Benefit to Children
- If either the husband or wife passes away, eligible children receive 40% of the basic salary monthly until they turn 18 years old. If there are multiple eligible children, the 40% is divided proportionately among up to two children.
- Children may continue to receive benefits until 21 years old if they are pursuing studies. However, benefits terminate if they marry or complete their education.
- There is no age limit for mentally or physically disabled children to receive benefits.
c)Benefit to the Deceased’s Parents
- If the contributor is not married or does not have any kids then his/her mother/father gets 60% of the basic salary lifetime.
- If both the mother and father of the deceased are alive, the amount is distributed to both proportionately.
d)Funeral Expenses
On the death of the contributor due to any reason, the dependent family or the beneficiary shall be provided Rs. 25,000
4) Old Age Protection Scheme
- i) Pension Scheme (Operated with 20% contribution)
- ii) Retirement Benefit Scheme (Operated with 8.33% contribution)
*However, in case the contribution eligible for transfer to the pension scheme is more than 3 times of minimum basic salary defined by the Government of Nepal, the Fund may transfer the excess fund to the Retirement Benefit Scheme upon written application of the contributor.
- Those starting the contribution to the fund on or after Shrawan 1, 2078 cannot take pension funds.
- Employees contributing to the fund before Shrawan 1, 2078, may opt for the scheme with a written application to the fund
- Must achieve retirement age 60 years and must have contributed at least 15 years
Benefits in Pension Fund
- He/she gets the amount they have contributed plus the interest rate divided by 160 on a monthly basis lifetime.
- If he/she dies without getting any benefit then the benefit is transferred to his/her nominees and gets all pension amount, retirement amount, and interest amount at once.
- He/she gets money when he/she has completed 60 years and has contributed 180 months.
- If he/she has not contributed 180 months and his/her age exceeds 60 years then he/she gets either a pension fund plus interest amount at once or divide the amount with 160 can get monthly.
Benefit From Retirement Fund
- He/she can get a retirement fund amount plus interest amount after he/she leaves the organization or has completed 60 years of age and if he/she dies the money will provided to the nominee.
Foreigner People Can Take Amount
- Contributors can access their pension and retirement funds if they have completed their work and are residing in a foreign country.
- If a contributor acquires citizenship of another country, they are entitled to receive their entire accumulated amount.
Spouse Benefit:
- If a contributor passes away without exceeding 180 months of contributions, their spouse receives 50% of the total fund for life.
- Claiming benefits from both SSF and any other organization is not permitted..
- Contributors can contribute a minimum of Rs. 3334 to SSF.
Contributions must be made consistently every month on the same date.
At least 3 years of contribution to be eligible
- Personal Loan
- 80% of SSF amount without collateral
- Home Loan
- 70 lakh with collateral
- Education for Children
- 35 lakh with collateral
क्रं. सं. | अस्पतालको नाम | प्रदेश | जिल्ला | ठेगाना |
41 | बीर अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | काठमाण्डौ |
42 | राष्ट्रिय ट्रमा सेण्टर | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | महांकाल, काठमाडौँ |
43 | त्रि.बि. शिक्षण अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | महाराजगंज |
44 | मनमोहन कार्डियोथोरासिक भास्कुलर एण्ड ट्रान्सप्लाण्ट सेण्टर | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | महाराजगंज |
45 | सहिद गंगालाल राष्ट्रिय मुटु केन्द्र | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | बाँसबारी |
46 | हेल्पिङ ह्याण्डस् सामुदायिक अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | चावहिल |
47 | मनमोहन मेमोरियल मेडिकल कलेज तथा शिक्षण अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | स्वयंभु |
48 | काठमाण्डौ मेडिकल कलेज (KMC) | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | सिनामंगल |
49 | ने.अ.सं. नेपाल अर्थोपेडिक अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | जोरपाटी |
50 | शंकरापुर अस्पताल प्रा.लि. | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | गोकर्णेश्वर ०६ |
51 | नेपाल मेडिकल कलेज प्रा.लि. | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | जोरपाटी, अत्तरखेल |
52 | एभरेष्ट अस्पताल प्रा. लि. | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | नयाँ बानेश्वर |
53 | तिलगंगा आँखा अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | तिलगंगा |
54 | दृष्टि आई केयर | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | कलंकी |
55 | ए एस जी आखा अस्पताल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | नयाँ बानेश्वर |
56 | पिपुल्स डेन्टल कलेज एण्ड हस्पिटल ( General Treatment only) | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | नयाँबजार सोह्रखुट्टे |
57 | फ्रन्टलाइन हस्पिटल | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | बत्तीसपुतली, पुरानो बानेश्वर |
58 | ओम हस्पिटल एण्ड रिसर्च सेन्टर प्रा.लि. | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | चावहिल |
59 | इनोभा हस्पिटल प्रा.लि. लाजिम्पाट, काठमाण्डौ | बागमती प्रदेश | काठमाडौं | लाजिम्पाट |
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