How can you use 80/20 rule practically?
This rule helps businesses identify the key areas that yield the maximum output, allowing them to focus their efforts effectively.
Below are some examples 80/20 rule can be used:
1) Productivity:
Productivity often stems from focusing on the most important tasks. For example, when a manager arrives at the office, they should prioritize preparing for the day’s tasks rather than drinking coffee and checking emails. Scheduling and organizing tasks efficiently can significantly boost productivity. Therefore, a small but crucial task in the morning can energize the entire day and contribute to 80% of the outcomes.
2) Helps in making Business Decisions:
Business decisions stem from identifying key challenges. They’re often challenging and require independent resolution. Business projects are demanding, yet 20% of client interactions can yield 80% of results.
3) Quality Control:
We’ve studied Six Sigma in quality control, aiming for peak productivity with minimal errors.