What are the information required for debit card?
1. Cardholder’s Name:
The name of the person authorized to use the card.
2. Card Number:
A unique sequence of numbers identifies the card.
3. Expiration Date:
The date after which the card is no longer valid.
4. Security Code (CVV/CVC):
A numerical code, typically three or four digits in length, is printed on the card. It serves to authenticate online and over-the-phone transactions, confirming the card’s physical possession by the user.
5. Card Network Logo:
Such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc., indicating the network the card is affiliated.
6. Chip:
A compact metallic square is positioned on the card’s front. It securely holds encrypted data and aids in verifying transactions when inserted into a chip-enabled terminal.
7. Magnetic Stripe: A dark stripe located on the card’s backside, carrying data similar to the front. It allows for swiping through a card reader to conduct transactions in cases where the merchant lacks chip-enabled technology.
8. Issuer Information: This might include the bank’s name or logo and sometimes the bank’s contact information.